Blog posts tagged with 'mom necklace'

A family tree necklace with 17 names!

tiered family tree necklace hanging from tree

Did you know that you can actually wear your family tree?
I call this my 'All my Children' necklace because I can tier the generations
for all your kiddos. Each name is visible to see, touch and enjoy. 
This necklace was made for a mom of 6 children and
17 grandchildren! 

Its wearing your tribe of love and connection. All those humans you
hold dear. Big and little, young and old. Whether its the family you
were born into or the family you have created you can still cherish
your peeps!

Browse my 'All my Children' necklace here for more details

The coolest personalized Mom necklace

mixed metal mom necklace

A long, casual, sturdy Mom necklace that can be personalized with all your favorite names.

This versatile mixed metal piece can be doubled up or worn long.
It's sturdy enough to be touched by busy hands.


This necklace can be tiered for Grandma and Great grandma.


A long lasting keepsake that she will really wear!

Shop the All My Children Story necklace to learn about all the options